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Physical Artshow Preview 2022 - Genre - Streetscape (4 works)

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Height 44cm x Width 44cm

Watercolour on Paper

Genre: Streetscape

Category: Physical Only

Live Show Location: 6

© Ron Farnill (3)

NRN# 000-2301-0205-01

Exhibit# 63

Please, Come In

Height 54cm x Width 49cm

Genre: Streetscape

Category: Physical & Virtual Show

Live Show Location: 21

© Patti Green (3)

NRN# 000-42984-0151-01

Exhibit# 81

The Streets Of Jerusalem

Height 58cm x Width 70cm

Oil on Canvas

Genre: Streetscape

Category: Physical Only

Live Show Location: 7

© Glenn Hoyle (3)

NRN# 000-1659-0154-01

Exhibit# 105

Le Moulin De La Galette, Montmartre

Height 61cm x Width 45cm

Oil on Wood

Genre: Streetscape

Category: Physical Only

Live Show Location: 16

© Graham (max) Walker (3)

NRN# 000-1287-0204-01

Exhibit# 284